Privacy Page


Creative Paper Arts, LLC (“us”, “we”, “our” or “possibly the most creative store in the world”) is committed to protecting customer (“you”, “your”, or “possibly the most awesome customers ever”) privacy and we shall endeavor to use any information that you provide in accordance with this privacy policy.


This page was written by our very sarcastic attorney – enjoy and/or apologies…


We request and collect data to complete transactions, add you to lists that you want added to, or to make your experience better – we do not sell your information or make money off your data or whatever - we wouldn’t even know how to do that if we wanted to…


This page informs you of our policy regarding the information we do request or collect and the information that you chose to submit to us - and how we do use it.


As with any policies, we may update it from time to time - duh. If you care, we suggest you check this page occasionally to ensure you are aware of any amendments. If you are one of our subscribers to our email list thingy, then any changes to this policy will be sent out along with our other cool announcements about creative products and services.  If you don’t have the internet then these updates do not apply to you… regardless, if you submit a written request, in certain situations we may provide updates by paper in a bottle.


Creative Paper Arts’ website ( is operated by a third party and may automatically request or collect information for “legitimate business purposes” such as assisting us in following trends and determining future edits to our products, etc. - of course, all of that assumes we take the time to look at such things – which is doubtful given we would rather be cutting paper and doing generally creative things.

The information we will likely never look at but may be automatically requested and/or collected by the host of our website (and I guess by us too since they technically are acting on our behalf – so they say) includes information about your computer - blah, blah - website activity in order to identify trends, analyze product performance, track patterns of page activity including page view and link use patterns - yada, yada – things like the following:

  • IP address
  • User Device type
  • Browser type
  • General Location
  • Viewing Activity
  • Pages Viewed
  • Page Traffic Patterns
  • Search Field Entries


Other stuff – we are not sure this needs to be discussed, but for some of you (you know who you are) when you voluntarily make a request, purchase, or provide contact information – then we have your information regarding your “request, purchase, or contact” submission.  This information will include exactly what you provided – we will not make up any additional information about you – we will keep this information as it is important and necessary to respond to your request, to fulfill your purchase, or add you to our contact list – the IRS also likes it when we keep track of purchase information.  This type of data will be kept by us for as long as we deem it necessary or until we delete it.

Cookies – our website may use cookies. Cookies are small data files that are downloaded onto your computer when you visit a particular web site – we have been told they help you have a better experience, but we do not know everything they really do – we would have searched it but were worried about a search adding more cookies to our computers – if it is important to you if you want a complete understanding we suggest you borrow someone else’s computer and search it, google it, duckduckgo it and then please forward us the information so that we can also understand. What we do know is that you can manage and even disable cookies by going to your browser settings and adjusting or turning them off – cookies are your choice – exercise your choice – we will assume that you did.  Please understand that if you do disable cookies, then we have been told that some areas of our website may not function properly.


As we said before, we do not sell, rent, loan, give away, provide, share, let our neighbor look over our shoulder, or otherwise dispose of the personal information collected on the website – EXCEPT that we may disclose your personal information when required by law (or more accurately, in the good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to comply with laws), as necessary for third parties to operate and help with our website, and as required to complete financial transactions (yes financial transactions also involve some third parties), and when a product may be direct shipped from yet another third party – those are all of the situations and third parties we can currently think of, but if you think of some then they are also included in this list as well.  One comment about all these third parties, we try to limit their access to only the information necessary to perform the needed task – but in the end we are just creative art people and not IT savvy persons or financial savvy institutions and we have to hope that they will also act appropriately - I know – a big hope – but there are certain things you just have to agree are out of our control (and your continued use of our site is just such an agreement).     


Also, as we said before, your personal data is retained for as long as we deem necessary or until we delete it.  For some data that will be a short time, other information may be kept indefinitely due to requirements of federal regulations, other legal reasons or we may just forget to delete it – again, we are focused on cutting paper and more important creative things…


We pay for services that take data security seriously, so we don’t have to – that is just the truth – we care but we are also technologically unable (inept) to protect you, so we rely on third parties (yup, more third parties – these are the IT types).  Accordingly, here is the reality as best as we understand it – your data is not 100% secure – we and our third parties cannot guarantee its absolute security – but we can do our best not to make stupid and careless mistakes. Deal? Ok, continue using this site then…


The third in a trilogy or a trifecta of "as we said before”s…please refer to the “WHY”s stated above – as a recap, we retain personal data from customers and vendors to simply conduct our local small creative business OR if you prefer the technical business and legal term/BS - for the following reasons:

  • Communicating with business partners about business matters or possible contracts for the operation of the business;
  • Conducting relevant tasks for legitimate business purposes including marketing and advertising;
  • Evaluating and profiling prospective customers, or building mailing lists for product information distribution;
  • Human Resources administration and internal communications;
  • Meeting legal or regulatory requirements; and
  • Other purposes disclosed at the time of collection.



Our website may contain links to other sites that are not operated by us – this is a courtesy only – we do not profit from these links.  If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party’s site. Once there, we strongly advise you to review their Privacy Policy – while we doubt it will be as entertaining as this one, you should read it so you know what they are doing with your information.  Note – just because we put up a link does not mean we read their privacy policy – this is one of those do what we say, not what we do things.  Regardless, the point is we do not recommend, condone, or even know their privacy policy so read it your d@*# self and make your own choice – and don’t blame us because we have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services – are we clear?  Ok, continue using this site then…


This is the part where you agree to everything in here just by continuing to use this website – even when you chose not to read this.  The concept is that you are an adult, and this information is available for you to read – if you choose not to that is your problem not ours.  More bluntly, take responsibility for yourself and don’t blame us.  It is about your choices – by continuing to use our website, you are making the choice to agree with this policy… 


If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please Contact Us at any of the following:

Account Privacy Manager – NOPE – we are too small for one of those…

Director of Privacy Policy – NOPE – same…

How about you just give us a call at 614-734-0777 and we can talk about it…and about creative stuff too.